No more Anonymous Usage Data Collection
Starting with version 2.11, EDL-X no longer collects any data.
Anonymous Usage Data Collection in versions 2.8.4 through 2.10
Starting with version 2.8.4, and up to and including version 2.10, EDL-X will ask for your consent to collect anonymized usage data. No personally identifiable information is collected. The collected data describes the settings used for each run of the app and will help create a broader understanding of what features are used the most. This, in turn, is going to help focus resources and guide future development.
A data snapshot is taken each time an EDL is generated, and it mainly consists of a string like this one: 111000100102020010000011113000131111030010111110000
. Each of the digits seen here corresponds to a setting on the Prefs pane in the app. For example, zeros or ones tend to represent the state of a check box.
The other data points collected are the country code, as set in your Region settings in System Preferences -> Language & Region, the current time and date, and the app's version and build numbers, such as 2.8.1
and 91
, respectively.
Lastly, there is a randomly generated unique id string that anonymously identifies users of EDL-X. No personally identifiable information is collected. The anonymized id will allow to gauge the size of the active user base, and the intensity of use, both relative to the size of the install base of EDL-X.
The question the user id will help answer is NOT: 'Who are you?', it is: 'Are you the same user that ran EDL-X last week?'. The id string is stored along with your EDL-X preferences in a file at this path on your hard drive: /Users/[user name]/Library/Containers/biz.xmil.EDL-X/Data/Library/Preferences/biz.xmil.EDL-X.plist
. (It is safe to delete this file, though this will reset all EDL-X preferences.)
Your Consent
EDL-X is going to ask you for your consent a few times. If you ever want to change your preference, please go to the bottom of the Preferences pane, and click 'Show Usage Statitics Consent'. There you can also see a subtle indication of your consent status, where green means you have given your consent.
Please share any concern or suggestion you might have with this app's developer, and ask any question you might have. Your feedback is absolutely welcome via email at .