Save hours of re-typing metadata of your imported audio files in Avid Media Composer. Drag the files you want to use in your nonlinear video editor into Songster and they'll be turned into clips carrying the sound metadata visible in iTunes.
Please note that as of Songster version 2.4 support for Final Cut Pro 7 has been discontinued.
Just Drag and Drop audio files - and get all metadata automatically
Songster offers 4 convenient spots to drop your audio files:
- the drop zone in Songster's main window
- A small, unobtrusive drop target window that you can put anywhere on the screen. It turns semi-transparent when not in use.
- Songster's application icon, for example in the Dock:
- A small menu bar icon at the top of your screen
Workflow for Avid

Just drag and drop your audio files, and Songster makes an ALE AvidLog Exchange file for you that contains all metadata. Optionally add a custom column and set its content. Once the ALE file is saved to disk, import it into an Avid bin, and batch-import the media.
Have a look at how easy it is to get audio files and their metadata into Avid Media Composer in this video:
Reading metadata beyond Spotlight
As of Songster version 2.4 metadata is read even from drives that have Spotlight disabled.
Bug Fix / Update Songster v2.2
Songster version 2.2 adds an optional change of the syntax used in ALE files. When 'Modern ALE Syntax' is checked on, the paths appear imported correctly in newer versions of Avid Media Composer, fascilitating a smoother batch-import experience.