EDL-X Support: How-To
To help you with any hiccups in an expedient fashion, we will need as much information as possible. In your email please include the following:
- a thorough description of the problem.
- the version numbers of EDL-X and Mac OS.
- an XML file containing the complete cut. Please make sure that the XML re-imports in a finite amount of time into FCP X - if necessary break your cut down into several 'acts' and export them individually. Please be aware that there is usually very little that can be done to help with the problem without the XML that causes or shows the problem.
- a screenshot of your current settings on the Preferences tab. It's important that all settings are seen. If necessary make several screenshots. Here is a quick way to do this:
- activate EDL-X and go to the Preferences tab
- make the window big enough to show all settings. If you cannot fit the entire window make several screen shots.
- hold the CMD, OPT and SHIFT keys down and press the "4" key on your keyboard. This only works on the main part of the keyboard.
- drag a lasso with your mouse around the area you want to include, i.e. the EDL-X window. This makes a screenshot of the lassoed area and copies it to the clipboard.
- paste the screenshot into your email (CMD-V).
- screenshots of any error messages, or their precise and complete text.
- if the app crashes, please find the crash report in this folder: [your user home directory]/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports. The file name starts with "EDL-X". Attach the file to your email.
Alternatively, when the crash happens click the 'Report...' button, then copy & paste the crash report's text into your email. - optionally, if you think it would be helpful to show the problem, a screen recording. This can conveniently be made with the QuickTime Player app from Apple.
Your information will be treated confidentially, and not shared with anyone. It will also help improve EDL-X.
The support email is: